About Me

My name is Ashley Kema,
I am a wife, mother of four sweet little girls, and lover of essential oils.
I was led to dōTERRA through friends and was amazed with the way peppermint & wild orange oils made a great pick-me-up during the day.
I got my starter kit not realizing what I was doing for my family in bringing natural solutions into our home. When my two-year old got sick, I figured why not try these oils since we have them instead of modern medicine.
I was AMAZED! I began to really incorporate these oils into our lives, including the dōTERRA supplements, home cleaning, and personal care.
I began researching and studying the products that we use everyday and how much chemicals can harm our bodies. I wanted to do better, better for my family, better for my friends, better for everyone.
Essential Oils changes lives by providing natural solutions right in our homes at our fingertips for everyday issues with our bodies.
I find passion in being the best mother I can be and that meant wanting to work from home so I could raise my family to the best of my ability. dōTERRA has led me to that by allowing me to share natural solutions and essential oils with other moms, families, and even men!
The dōTERRA company is truly magical and is changing the world, it calls to me and I am so proud to be part of it.
I created “Gold Drop Society”
to help empower, equip and encourage people. A resource as well as a place where people can come learn and meet fellow essential oil enthusiasts.
Not only does Gold Drop Society provide resources and classes but it has it’s own line of blends as well as collaborations of diffuser jewelry and other products.
Essential oils was never meant to be complicated.
It is meant to be the tools that help move you forward to a healthier and more natural you.
All Gold Drop Society blends are made with dōTERRA essential oils.
Shop our diffuser jewelry collection with Love Me Knots HI and other collaborations with local businesses
FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: @golddropsociety, I also have a personal instagram full of #momlife and travels @helloashleykema